EQ2 QnA Interview


GamerGod - In a previous interview, you mentioned a black market. What exactly is different from the markets in each city from the black market? Will there be any prerequisites to using it?

EQ2 Dev Team - Players in each city have access to vendors that list items currently for sale by players in that city's market. There are also black market vendors who list items up for sale in the opposing city, but buying through these vendors will be at a considerably inflated price.

GamerGod - We asked in a previous interview about the size of Norrath and exploration. You mentioned that the Druid Rings and Wizard Spires are no longer functional. Does this mean there will be no teleportation abilities at release? Will there be mounts available at release?

EQ2 Dev Team - Mounts will be available at release, but there will be no inter-zone teleportation spells at launch. New forms of transportation will have to be discovered.

GamerGod - Lost Dungeons of Norrath was a favorite expansion for the non-uber guild players. It allowed for smaller group success in accomplishing goals and opened the door for a new challenge, with the point system. Will we see something similar in EQ2 release?

EQ2 Dev Team - Since the vast majority of our content is designed for single groups, there isn't the need right now to include a direct copy of the LDoN system. There are many epic encounters available to groups that should provide lots of enjoyment.

GamerGod - Will there be a Legends server with release of EQ2? If not, are there plans for one in the future?

EQ2 Dev Team - We don't currently have plans for special servers at launch, though such plans are subject to change.

GamerGod - Good and Evil are major themes of EQ2. Is there any effort to increase the value of PvP in EQ2 or is this still a PvE game only, with the option to duel? Will there be a PvP server and/or Team PvP server at release or in the future?

EQ2 Dev Team - EverQuest II is a PvE game, and we currently have no plans for PvP servers. Our priority has always been to make a deep, rich player vs. environment experience.

GamerGod - Flagging was a big element of the PoP expansion and expansions after that. It has been controversial. Many loved the idea and the feeling of accomplishment that came with it, while other's hated the time sink and inability for some players to achieve this portion of the game. Will we see this system at all in EQ2? If so, will we see it during release?

EQ2 Dev Team - Players will need to earn access to certain areas of the game, but these access quests are designed to be fun and memorable rather than difficult and tedious. Our goal is not to lock players out of content, but instead to make the process of getting there as entertaining as the end result.

GamerGod - We saw the addition of gems with stat bonuses and charms; however, it took years before it was a part of EQ. Will we see this ability during release or early on in EQ2?

EQ2 Dev Team - We won't have charms or augments at release, but there are plenty of opportunities for raising your stats through the acquisition of gear.

GamerGod - Can we assume that Faydwer is not around anymore or has it just become uninhabitable?

EQ2 Dev Team - I wouldn't assume anything about Faydwer until you see it for yourself. It isn't a part of the initial release of EverQuest II, but we'd certainly enjoy telling you the story of what happened to it.

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