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Terms Of Use

Please read the following terms of use carefully

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) are a legally binding agreement between the user (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) of the OverBoostPro Services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) described herein and OÜ, a company incorporated in the Estonia, registered number 14909332, with its registered address at Harju maakond, Kuusalu vald, Pudisoo küla, Männimäe/1, 74626, Tallinn.
(" OÜ ").

Please make sure you fully understand the contents of this Agreement. If you have any doubts about any of your rights and obligations resulting from your acceptance of this Agreement, please consult us or obtain legal support.


In this Agreement: “Coach” means an individual engaged by OverBoostPro and registered on the Web Platform that provides Services.
“Web Platform” means the web platform that is located at the address that is being operated by OÜ acting as provider of Services.
“Price” means the price OverBoostPro charges for the Services. The Services include but are not limited to coaching services, ensuring security of the transactions, technical maintenance of the file servers and Web Platform, customer support.
“Request” means the request for Services placed by Customer on Web Platform.
“Assignment” means the proposal for the Services by OverBoostPro that is based on the Request submitted by Customer.
“Services” means the services to be provided by OverBoostPro that include coaching services ordered by Customer in accordance with the requested Assignments, as well as marketing and technical services provided by OverBoostPro to Customers to ensure functioning of the Web Platform and possibility of technical access to the Platform.
“Chat” means the chat between the support manager of OverBoostPro and Customers on the messaging platform used by the parties for communication for the purposes of the Agreement (Zendesk, Facebook or Discord, other if agreed).


  • 1.1 OverBoostPro operates the Web Platform designed for the provision of Services for Customers wishing to receive such sort of digital services.
  • 1.2 The use of profanity, insults, spreading malware, discrimination of all types, insulting religious beliefs, the publication of materials that violate the rights of others (including plagiarism), the encouragement to the extremism, and any other actions that are contrary to the laws of the Estonia are prohibited on the Web Platform. Each Customer must comply with the laws of his country taking part in any activity on the Web Platform.
  • 1.3 During registration, Customer must provide genuine accurate and complete information, as well as maintain this information up to date. If Customer provides false information during registration on the Web Platform, and/or OverBoostPro has reasonable grounds to believe that the information given or provided by Customer is false, inaccurate, or incomplete, OverBoostPro has the discretion to refuse Customer in registration on the Web Platform; block; and/or remove such account.
  • 1.4 OverBoostPro has the right at any time at its sole discretion, to request Customer to provide confirmation of his/her personal information (for example, documents confirming identity), specified by Customer during registration on the Web Platform. OverBoostPro has the right to have access to any information placed on the Web Platform, including any conversation and data in the Customer’s account. OverBoostPro has а right to block or delete an account if Customer does not provide the requested information and/or supporting documents within 7 calendar days from OverBoostPro’s request.
  • 1.5 To access an account, Customer must enter the email address and the password selected during registration on the Web Platform.
  • 1.6 Customers agree to protect the confidentiality of information used to access their account. Customers also agree to immediately notify OverBoostPro of unauthorized (carried out by a third party without consent) access to the account, using their email address and password, and/or of any other breach of (suspected of violating) confidentiality of the email address and password.
  • 1.7 OverBoostPro may at its discretion and without giving a reason block or delete Customer’s account.
  • 1.8 Customer agrees and acknowledges that he/she does not enter into an employment relationship with the Web Platform and is not an employee of OverBoostPro.


  • 2.1 As a part of the Services, OverBoostPro is obligated to fulfill the instructions regarding the Assignment specified by Customer in the Chat with the support manager (if any).
  • 2.2 The quality of an Assignment provided by OverBoostPro must fully meet all the conditions of the respective Request.
  • 2.3 Customers are notified of the completed Assignments via automated message on the Web Platform. The screenshot of the completed Assignment provided is considered as a guarantee of the completed Assignment in the case of any dispute between Customer and Web Platform. Customer must be logged into his/her account in order to see the result of the Assignment.
  • 2.4 Customer's instructions for the Assignment, if any, must be clear and precise. If such instructions are unclear and Customer does not add the necessary instructions within required timeframe, such Assignment can be completed on conditions of the respective Request and regardless of Customer’s instructions.
  • 2.5 Any revisions requested for an Assignment that is under the Warranty Period must fall within the initial instructions for the Assignment.
  • 2.6 There is no minimum possible deadline for an Assignment. The exact deadline is agreed upon between Customer and the support manager in the Chat before or after the payment for the Assignment is made.
  • 2.7 It is prohibited to disclose the Online Game account details to a third party.


  • 3.1 Customer agrees to pay the Price for an Assignment (hereinafter referred to as “Payment”) in the amount set out in the Request. The Payment is considered to be final and unchangeable after Customer accepts the Assignment by clicking “Purchase” button and completes the payment process. After this, the Payment is submitted to OverBoostPro.
  • 3.2 Customer can make a Payment using credit/debit cards (Visa, Mastercard) and through other means as may be available on the Web Platform from time to time.
  • 3.3 Customer can make a payment using PayPal in case of coaching and self-play orders. Usage of PayPal for Boosting orders is strongly prohibited.
  • 3.4 Customer transfers 100% of the Price at the stage of accepting the Assignment.


  • 4.1 In case of Customer’s reasonable remarks and complaints about the quality of Assignment, Customer shall be entitled to request reasonable corrections in an Assignment to be conducted by OverBoostPro within the warranty period of ten (10) calendar days after completion of an Assignment (“Warranty Period").
  • 4.2 OverBoostPro should make agreed corrections to an Assignment while it is in revision in the term previously agreed with Customer. If Customer is not satisfied with the result of revision, he/she may reasonably request additional revisions; provided, however, that number of such revisions shall be limited to One (1).
  • 4.3 Customer may request reasonable corrections only within the Warranty Period in accordance with section 4.1 of the Agreement. If Customer did not request a refund within the Warranty Period, Assignment is to be considered as duly fulfilled in accordance with all the requirements of Customer.
  • 4.4 In the case Customer fully accepts an Assignment before the Warranty Period expires, OverBoostPro is relieved from the warranty obligations. Thus, as soon as the status of an Assignment changes to “Completed”, OverBoostPro shall have a right to decline to carry out a revision for an Assignment requested by Customer.
  • 4.5 All rights to an Assignment, if any, for which Customer has paid the Price, are transferred to Customer as soon as an Assignment status changes to “Completed”.


  • 5.1 Customer’s claims for refund due to unsatisfactory quality of an Assignment are to be resolved by mutual agreement between Customer and OverBoostPro. If it is impossible to resolve a dispute by negotiations, OverBoostPro has the right at its sole discretion to engage independent experts to assess the quality of an Assignment. The deadline for consideration of a debatable situation should not exceed 5 business days.
  • 5.2 A refund is an inherent part of the warranty services when the following circumstances are met: in order to request a refund for an Assignment in case of violation of a deadline, unsatisfactory quality of an Assignment, Customer must send a written complaint with a description of the problem to [email protected] or via the Chat.
  • 5.3 OverBoostPro reserves the right to refuse in the Services to anyone suspected of misusing the Web Platform or participating in a fraud and reserves the right to cancel any Assignment at its own discretion under this Agreement.
  • 5.4 OverBoostPro reserves the right to cancel an Assignment with any status including completed Assignments if there is enough evidence that an Assignment has been completed as a result of a fraudulent transaction. In that case all the funds acquired by Customer may be blocked until requested by the genuine cardholder.
  • 5.5 OverBoostPro issues a 100% refund to Customer in the following cases:
  • 5.5.1 The Assignment is not completed before the deadline while Customer did not accept the delayed completion. Customer may accept the delay by stating so in the conversation with support manager or by requesting a revision and, therefore, no refund issues to Customer.
  • 5.5.2 The Assignment which is provided did not satisfy the initial instructions provided by Customer (if any).
  • 5.5.3 The Assignment is not completed at all so the Services were not provided to Customer.
  • 5.6 Regarding the cases described in sections 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 of this Agreement OverBoostPro issues refunds to Customer’s account on the Web Platform. Regarding provision 5.5.3 OverBoostPro issues a refund to a bank account or a credit/debit card that was used by Customer while depositing funds on his/her account.


  • 6.1 An exclusive right to all intellectual property posted on the Web Platform (including the text, logo, images, code, design) belongs to OverBoostPro.
  • 6.2 Customer undertakes not to download, not to publish, not to store, not to provide access to, or otherwise distribute the information and/or materials that violate rights of any third party. OverBoostPro does not take any responsibility for any violations of rights of third persons, caused by the disclosure by user of any private information or other information that violates rights of third parties.
  • 6.3 Use of the Web Platform content is possible only within the Web Platform’s functionality, the proposed Assignment or other services to the site. No elements of its content may be used without the prior consent of OverBoostPro or an account holder.


Except where prohibited by law, the part of the Services consisting of technical support of the Web platform and the Web Platform itself are provided “as-is” and “as available” and in this part we expressly disclaim any warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including the warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, quiet enjoyment, accuracy, or non-infringement. We make no warranty that the part of Services stated above or the Web Platform (a) will meet your requirements; (b) will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis; or (c) will be accurate, reliable, free of viruses or other harmful code, complete, legal, or safe.


In no event shall OverBoostPro, its officers, directors, employees, or agents (collectively, " OverBoostPro Parties", be liable to user or to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever arising from or related to either this Agreement, or use of the Services or the Web Platform. OverBoostPro Parties’ liability to Customer for any damages arising from or related to this Agreement will at all times be limited to the greatest of amount paid by such Customer for the Assignment on the Web Platform (if any). The existence of more than one claim will not enlarge this limit. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.


  • 9.1 OverBoostPro has the right at any time without notification to Customer to change the terms of this Agreement. The new wording of the Agreement shall be published on the Web Platform.
  • 9.2 Customer is responsible for any risk arising from the new wording of the Agreement; when Customer continues to use the Services after changes in the conditions of this Agreement, it is deemed he/she agrees with new wording. The new revised Agreement shall enter into force from the date it was published on the Web Platform as specified above.
  • 9.3 Should Customer disagree with any changes, as amended by OverBoostPro, in the provisions of this Agreement, he/she shall immediately cease the use of the Web Platform.
  • 9.4 In the event of disputes arising in connection with the fulfilment of this Agreement, OverBoostPro and Customer agree to make all efforts for the settlement of such disputes through negotiations. If they cannot resolve their differences by negotiations, they are to be settled in accordance with the legislation of the Estonia.
  • 9.5 The ‘Privacy Policy’ constitute integral parts of these Terms and Conditions, binding upon all registered Customers.


  • 10.1 Languages. English language version of the Agreement shall prevail over any translations of it to other languages made by us and provided to Customer for his/her convenience, as applicable. The Services are designed in the English language and their translations into other languages may contain inaccuracies for which OverBoostPro does not bear any responsibility; OverBoostPro suggests using the English version and resorting to versions in other languages only for references and at your own risk. Accepting this Agreement, Customer also agrees to have all communications with OverBoostPro in English.
  • 10.2 No Waiver. No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under this Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that (or any other) right or remedy, nor preclude or restrict its further exercise. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that (or any other) right or remedy and shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default under the same or any other provision of this Agreement.
  • 10.3 Other Jurisdictions. OverBoostPro makes no warranties or representations that the Services or the Web Platform is appropriate or available for use in all locations. Those who access or use the Services or the Web Platform from jurisdictions prohibiting such usage, do so at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with local legislation.


We are always available to be reached by e-mail at [email protected].